It is a condition in which the cartilage in the shoulder joint is damaged. There are two joints in the shoulder. The larger ball-and-socket is known as a glenohumeral joint. Both the ball and the socket are cartilage-covered. Shoulder arthritis typically develops in stages. Although there is no cure for shoulder arthritis, there are a variety of treatment options available. Most people with arthritis can use these to manage their pain and keep active.

Adhesive capsulitis, often known as frozen shoulder, is a disorder that causes stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. Symptoms and signs normally appear slowly and escalate with time. They also fade in one or two years.

In some cases Range-of-motion exercises, corticosteroids and numbing medicines are used to treat frozen shoulder.

The Rotator cuff is a gathering of muscles that enclose the shoulder joint. Their responsibility is to create the power that permits the arm to raise and turn. The Rotator cuff muscles don’t repair themselves when they are completely torn. Leaving them disregarded can make the situation worse, with reformist loss of movement and force in bigger tears. Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff repair is a serious procedure that requires six months of recovery.

The Bristow-Latarjet-Bankart arthroscopic surgery is repeatable and safe. Patients with glenoid bone loss and capsular deficiency, as well as those who have had a failed capsulolabral surgery, can benefit from this procedure. Arthroscopy has the advantage of permitting precise placement of the bone block and screw by providing an adequate vision of both the glenohumeral joint and the anterior neck of the scapula.

A labrum is a cartilage cuff that protects ball and socket joints such as the hip and shoulder. A tear in the labrum can result in shoulder joint weakness and instability. An arthroscope is placed through a tiny incision in the shoulder to see the torn labrum during this treatment. The surgeon will remove any scar tissue and rough edges from the labrum, then prepare the socket (glenoid) bone before reattaching the labrum to it.

A reverse total shoulder replacement is better for those with cuff tear arthropathy. The rotator cuff muscles help position and power the arm during the range of motion in a healthy shoulder. The rotator cuff muscles are also used by a traditional replacement device to function effectively. In a patient with a significant rotator cuff tear and cuff tear art.

Shoulder arthroscopy is a procedure that examines or repairs the tissues inside or around your shoulder joint using a tiny camera called an arthroscope. The rotator cuff is a cuff that surrounds the shoulder joint and is made up of muscles and tendons. The arm is held in the shoulder joint by these muscles and tendons. This also aids shoulder movement in various directions. When the rotator cuff tendons are overworked or damaged, they can rip.

Any of the bones in your shoulder might be fractured, limiting your motion and causing extreme pain. Shoulder fractures are caused by trauma to the shoulder, such as a fall, sports injury, car accident, or any direct hit to the shoulder. Shoulder fractures can be non-displaced or displaced. Non-displaced fractures are the most prevalent, accounting for over 80% of all shoulder fractures.

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